Saturday, August 15, 2009

Baby Steps

Today we have some improvement. Iain has been fever-free most of the day. He went to the grocery with me and saw his friend Effie. She gave him a bit of bread with almond butter on it and he actually ate a little (and threw a mini-tantrum at the checkout when I took away the mangled remains).

Once home, he drank some milk, ate a bit of fruit leather, ate some blueberries, ate a bit of fig, tasted mango sorbet (though he missed the point and let it melt, then licked it off his fingers), and rejected cottage cheese. Since his diet for the last 48 hours has been entirely based on yogurt, this is a big improvement.

Then he actually played for a while. And now he's napping. Let's hope this is the light at the end of the tunnel.

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