Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Daycare Week 2: Electric Boogaloo

Today, Iain had a breakthrough. He ate half a serving of veggies and bread, and 2 servings of fruit (of course). But better than that, when he wanted more fruit, he said "Donna," held up his empty plate, and made the sign for "more." He ate both snacks (graham crackers in the morning and trail mix in the afternoon).

Iain and Donna read 8 books at naptime (that's our boy), then Iain "read" a book to her. It was a book with textures (ie, Pat the Bunny), and he took Donna's hand and made her touch the book where appropriate. Then he took 2 naps.

After nap, he actually let other children play near him. He accepted toys they brought him and played with said toys. It was so amazing that Donna gave him 3 congratulatory stickers when I came to get him.

The bad news is that in the morning, when he was still pissed that I left, he threw my picture on the ground. Oh, well. I'm sure he doesn't get that temper from me. Not at all.


Heather said...

I have a lot of sympathy for you in this area. The great thing for me is that Asher has been in daycare for quite a long time, so he has no issues with other kids. He does LOVE to spit food at you if you displease him, however. Not to mention slap you full out with his right hand and arm. The little "Damien" look that accompanies said slap is quite disturbing....Asher will be a year old tomorrow. I am already crying. I have new pictures, email me so I can send them to you...

Fiona said...

I don't have your email - can't email you.

Iain is also throwing food. He does it on purpose and then says, "Uh, oh." Grrr....No hitting, though.