Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I have a cold. It's the common cold, I suspect, just like the Giant Microbe above. Yes, toys based on bacteria and viruses. I think it's genius. And they don't stop at Rhinovirus - you can get all sorts of icky things, including Yersenia Pestis (aka The Black Death).

So little old me spent the day sneezing and blowing my nose and sniffling pathetically. But I managed to greet my new students and to set the ground rules for my courses and to pass out syllabi and generally to conduct Day One tolerably well. Thursday, the real fun begins.

Meanwhile, Himself had a nice morning with The Dad, then went off to daycare to eat pretzels and play and generally enjoy the doting attention of all his (many) ladies.

Oh, and he took a couple of steps.


SarahHub said...

STEPS???!!! Yahoo!

And I hope you're feeling better soon!

Bart said...

I love it - toys designed especially for the children of nerds. :¬)

Unknown said...

FINALLY!!!!!!! Not that *I* was worried about that...