Monday, August 03, 2009

I Like Elephants

Iain likes this. He mentioned it to Callie last night, so here's the video for her delectation.

Did I mention that at daycare this morning Callie was all, "You? I don't know you." but this afternoon she waved and said "bye" when we left. Iain was tired (no nap all day!) and hungry (only fruit and bread! Oh, and snack. And milk. And juice. But, you know, for Iain that's like a diet.), so he waved in a desultory way and motored.

After a brief in-car nap, he enjoyed: a bowl of noodles with veggies and cheese, an entire white peach, a can of mandarin oranges, and a graham cracker. Plus milk. Then it was wash-off-the-daycare-schmutz time (aka, "bathtime") and now it's getting to be bedtime.

1 comment:

Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel said...

What a fascinating story about your colleague. I'm sure many people would think, "Why doesn't she just draw the flag of Africa?"...alas, growing up I many times ran into people who thought Africa was a country. I do think that without thinking through activities like this, kids can most certainly feel alienated and awkard instead of valued and included.

I love your last few posts! I only read blogs once a week, so I always feel like I could make about 20 comments on all your funny posts (dishwasher funk!!), yummy posts (did you REALLY cook for that many people?!!), cute posts (hubby's steamed pudding) and sentimental posts (mom and dad are chopped liver!). Anyway, I love all your posts!!