Sunday, August 16, 2009

Homemade Bacon (Not Made by Me)

There was a time when Dr. H spent his days learning creole, talking about post-structuralism, and generally transforming from a student into an intellectual. But even when he was at his most anthropologically sophisticated, Dr. H was always drawn to the earthier side of things.

For instance, he decided he needed some money. You might think that graduate students with funding have money, but you would need to think again about that. Graduate students, especially in central Florida, got nuthin'. So Dr. H sweet-talked his way into the kitchen at a local restaurant. He spent a couple of years churning out cheesecakes and muffins and learning to make all kinds of interesting sweets (often in portions suitable for 50 people).

You know what they say about change, right? So Dr. H now works in SoCal, where he uses math and stuff and helps people understand stuff and stuff. I don't know what he does, stop asking me.

But he still loves the foodstuffs. And the earthier the better. So, of course, he made his own bacon. [Technically, "we" made bacon. I dunno who "we" are, but it sounds interesting...]

He started with 48 lbs. of pork (yes, 48 lbs. He says that's the bacon from 5 pigs. See what I meant about portion size?).

Then he made three rubs with differing flavor elements (like brown sugar and bay and maple).

Then he cut up the meat, put it into plastic bags with the various rubs and marinades rubbed and marinated, and let it cure for 7 days. Yes, a week. You have to turn it over periodically so the marinade/rub does its thing on both sides.

Dr. H has always been a fan of this kind of preparation. Once, in about 1994, he got an itch to make flavored liqueur. That involved a liter of vodka, a pint of raspberries, and the zest of a lemon. Put it all in a brown apple juice bottle, let it sit in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks (shaking gently every day), and strain. Voila! Raspberry liqueur. It was an intense, shocking pink.

After the 7 days are up, you take it out of the bags, wash the meat, pat it dry, and then let it dry cure in the fridge for another day.

Once the bacon is done in the fridge (see above - that's a lot of bacon in the fridge! I'm guessing that "we" ate out that week), you smoke the meat. Dr. H smoked it with apple and pecan wood, and he got the meat up to 150 degrees F.

After that, you remove the skin (apparently this is easier once the meat has cooked) and store it. They vacuum sealed it so the meat would last longer, which seems like a good idea when you make 48 lbs. of bacon. I mean, even I cannot imagine eating that much bacon in, say, a week.

Sliced, it looks like this:

So what's the moral of this story? If someone asks you, "what will you do with a PhD in Anthropology?" you can tell them: Make Bacon! Or, you know, understand human society. But mostly, Make Bacon!


Unknown said...

Even though it has been many years since I ate bacon, fond memories (go away), that does indeed look delicious. And perhaps not a bad use at all of a Pee Aitch Dee in my favorite subject...

Unknown said...

we = my, my friend mariana who i work with at the science factory and her boyfriend ethan.

and i tasted the cooked bacon tonight for the first time. it ain't bad.

Unknown said...

OMG. I *want* bacon now.... homemade and that delicious looking. Maybe Will and I need to start raising our own hogs so we can one-up Dr. H and his bacon-making skillz. Cuz short of that, he has reached the top.

Now to find me some L&T to go with that B...

Fiona said...

@M: Yum! Love BLT. I think you should raise your own L & T and then bribe Dr. H. to ship you some bacon to eat with it. I'll bake the bread.

@H: How dull. I'm sure they're wonderful people, but I had an altogether more salacious version of "we" all worked up in my mind.

Unknown said...

we are having BLTs tonight. with A (miriam, you will have to avoid the veggie that starts with a vowel.) and duke's mayo, which, btw. has been ranked by my roommate eric (who translates very high end cookbooks to/from spanish/french/english) as best mayo he's ever tasted barring mayo home made by his friend's swiss grandmother. hooray BLTA! hooray dukes! hooray bacon!

Fiona said...

OMG you are so dead to me.

There is only *one* acceptable mayo, and it's Hellman's.

Seriously. Who are you?

Unknown said...


Those are the *only* options.

Unknown said...

cake please.

also, miriam, i fondly think of your nuptuals as the 'Miriam's UK wedding. ON ICE'

and Dukes is the bomb. if i have to lose you, so be it.