Monday, August 17, 2009

Sooo Tie-Tie

Here's what post-daycare looks like. Cleo in L'ville put up a super-prosh picture of her daughter asleep in the car, so I had to retaliate. It's a car-photo smackdown!

[EDIT: Check out the you-know-whats in that first photo. That's right: cheeeeeks.]


Chris Bray said...

"I haven't been drinking at all, and would you please stop shining that flashlight in my eyes?"

Fiona said...

Dude, sooo drunk on the milks, dude. And it's *whole* milk, too. Extra rich.[hic!]

SarahHub said...

There is nothing cuter than a baby sleeping in a car seat! So very sweet!

Cleo in L'ville said...

It is so ON! I'm going to make Katie do laps tonight at the track then strap her in with the camera poised. Child protectived services be DAMNED!

Fiona said...

Darn! I knew I should have taken a picture of Iain asleep in the car last night.

Bring it, Cleo!

Alexandra said...


Unknown said...

One million on Katie.... Sorry, Iain, I have seen her dance moves on the interwebs, pigtails and all. It is pretty tough to beat...