Sunday, August 09, 2009

Red Sauce

Start with this:
Find a few of these:

1. Chop up a sweet onion and saute it in a pan with olive oil on medium.
2. Add a few cloves of garlic, minced.
3. Pour in some vermouth to deglaze. Toss in salt and pepper to taste.
4. Slice, chop, or crush your tomatoes. Do what you like. You can peel them, or not. You can seed them, or not. I cut off the stem and chop them and that's it.
5. Let them simmer (med-low or low depending on how hot your cooktop is) for an hour or two.
6. When they're pretty well cooked down, add a handful of chopped herbs (oregano, parsley, what you like) and a couple of tablespoons of butter. You can shake in a little Worcester sauce, too, for flava.

Ta da! Red sauce. It's basic. Tart it up if you want. Add meat, use that old parmesan heel to give it body, add roasted chickpeas and eat it as stew. Whatever.

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