Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Other Things Grew, Too

My cherry tree is growing!! The apricot died, though. That's gardening.

We have limes getting all lime-y and starting to call out for Corona...

My jade cuttings are becoming actual jade plants (they come from the gorgeous jades I received two years ago and which I killed).

Even the little tomatoes I grew from seed (starting a month too late, grr!) are growing and making fruit.

The bell pepper plants are going gangbusters. Three or maybe four whole peppers! Pathetic, I know, but this is my first attempt and next year will be better.

Coming up, beefcake photos. Or, at least, beefsteak. Hardy har har. Tomato jokes never get old.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They never do.... I have get out in my garden and show you my jalapenos and my eggplant. *sigh* I won't eat any of them...