Wednesday, May 06, 2009

News Flash: Maine Devoid of Blueberries!

I got home this afternoon to find a huge box from Stonewall Kitchen. I'll admit that for a moment I thought, "OMG! They read my blog and they loved it and they sent me free stuff! I'm famous! In a tiny town in Maine!"

But, in fact, it wasn't for me at all. It was for Iain. It was a gift from his Not-So-Secret Admirer, my old friend 'Fer in LA.

What did he send? Take a look:

"Who's this from? Huh."

"Wow! Wow! WOW! This is a lot of blueberry jam, Mom!"

"No, seriously, Mom. This is 10 jars! Did they strip the hillsides or what?"

"I think I'll just lay here for a while and look at my jam. Pretty, pretty jam. My precious."

I think we'd call that a home run, Dr. Green.


Unknown said...

All Maine's blueberry are belong to Iain. Enjoy!

bugboys69 said...

You had better be bringing a jar of that with you in June.

I loves a blueberry.

Unknown said...

BRING A JAR IN JULY!!! that is a demand, not a request. Hank--you are marvelous.

Heather said...

Awesome. LOVE that last picture.