Tuesday, October 13, 2009


This week's words (so far): fish, balloon, toes.

But that's not the news. The news is that Iain is definitely in full-blown tantrum-ville. Today at daycare he saw another child with a bottle. He wanted the "baba." Donna said no, and (as the kids say) it was on.

First, Iain swept clean a shelf of toys and one of books. Bam! Then, when Donna told him he would have to clean up - she'd get the toys if he got the books - he commenced freaking out. Screaming, banging his fists on the shelves, etc. I walked in just at that point.

You might think Mama could effect some change. Nope! I stood there and folded the clean laundry (they wash dirty shirts and the kids' sheets every day) while Iain flipped his wig. I told him he'd have to clean up. I told him his behavior was not cool. Etc.

In the end, I sat with him in my lap and tried to convince him to put books away. He wouldn't, but eventually he calmed down a little and made a kiss-face at Donna and said "byebye" and gave her a high-five.

She says tomorrow he'll be on One Toy At A Time, which is like purgatory, I guess. All I know is that when Iain doesn't get what he wants, best to duck and cover.

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