Wednesday, October 28, 2009

That's Some House, Gracie

Boris's girl friend Gracie bought a house. Apparently, she lets her staff (Dr. M) enter the house to provide food and administer belly rubs. But the house belongs to Gracie. Personally, it seems like a lot of house for little Gracie to live in all by herself. Maybe she should consider getting hitched. I know a certain boy dog who would propose in a second (if he wasn't so scared). And with another 117 (!!) pounds of dog living there, the proportions might be just right.

1 comment:

Gracie the Pirate said...

Moving in together is a big step in a relationship. I already know he'll play chase and tug of war, but what will he be like as a packmate? I need to know if he's going to help me catch woodchucks and defend the yard from coyotes. ANd how do I know he won't move back in with that other bitch, Juno?
Gracie the Pirate