Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Iain has a new teacher, Miss Megan. He still sees Miss Donna, who is his favorite, but is no longer in her class. This is to avoid temptation, since her class is for kids about a year old. They drink from bottles, Iain wants bottles, Iain cannot have bottles, cogito ergo sum, e pluribus unum, in vino veritas: he needed to move on up.*

Anyway, Miss Megan told me a story about Iain today.

He knows that he's supposed to say "please" when he asks for things. He says the word ("pees") and makes the sign-language signal. Today, he indicated that he did not want his morning snack (Cheerios). When Megan took it away, he immediately reached for his neighbor's bowl.

"No, Iain," Megan scolded. It's not cool to steal other kids' snacks, right? Iain replied, "Pees?" and made the sign, then reached right back over there for the Cheerios. Megan had to explain that saying "please" does not make it ok to steal food from someone else.

How we will convey this to Iain, I dunno. But I guess we can add that to the list of Concepts Iain Needs to Master.

*Miss Donna told me a story, too. This one's cuter and poses less of a behavioral challenge.

All day, Iain came up to the baby gate between Donna's area and Megan's, calling to Donna and making a kissy face. When she came over to kiss him, he sort-of-ran away. He can't run, though, so imagine fast toddling, with a wide grin. In other words: flirting and teasing.


SarahHub said...

Oh, cute! And he'll get the hang of "please" soon... I think. Evie thinks "I'm wound up," is an excuse for any bad behavior!

BaysYates said...

Lucas is trying the behavioral challenge route too, but oddly he saves it all for me. I guess that is good, as a teacher I appreciate that. As a mom, I am wishing someone else would just deal with it. :)

Bart said...

It just goes to show that a mischievous parent could seriously mess up a kid's future social life with how they deal with these formative years...