Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just Another Day In Paradise

Image is from and a hyperlink to John Scheepers

Rain, rain, rain. I was glad to see Fall, but now I wish it would take a coffee break. We've had relentless gloom, rain, and drastic temperature drops in the last 3 days. It's now in the 40's in the morning, with lows at night reaching down into the 30s. They're even talking about snow. SNOW!

Meanwhile, Iain's flirting skills proceed apace. He spent all day today running up to Donna, making eyes, kissy facing, and then taking off. Whee! I saw him do a little toddle-run today, and it was hilarious. He looked sort of like a drunken gingerbread man, all limbs akimbo.

In other news...breathe...MY BOX ARRIVED!!! two tall, thin rectangles of delicious little oniony-looking things. Bulbs.

Image is from and a hyperlink to John Scheepers

So tomorrow, in the cold rain, I get to go outside and kneel down in the mud to plant, plant, plant. And between now and then I need to come up with a plan - how to mix them so that they are pretty. Or to plant them in clumps of color?? Or to do, like, drifts? Or maybe stripes?! There are just so many choices.

Image is from and a hyperlink to John Scheepers

The boxes that came today contain 2 kinds of daffodil and ten kinds of tulip. One of my three peonies is in the box, too. The other two are backordered, which is not a big deal.

But check out these pictures from the John Scheepers website! And these are but 4 of the precious little jewels that came today. Bliss.

Image is from and a hyperlink to John Scheepers

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my. Will and I need to be ordering some of these... they are so pretty!

I can't wait to see your garden in spring time.