Saturday, October 24, 2009


Someone I used to work with, who is a very interesting woman and is about to have her first child, asked me on Facebook for baby advice. She asked a bunch of people, actually. But I responded with perhaps the longest Facebook message ever written.

It reminded me of something I'd totally let slip out of my head. When Iain was fresh, and I had to feed him every 3 hours all night, I tried various methods of keeping myself amused. We wanted to keep the lights dim so he wouldn't wake up all the way (he did, anyway), so I couldn't read.

We tried books on CD, but I couldn't master the stop and start. They kept jogging back to previous parts and you can't just FastForward with a CD. It was very annoying to hear the same bits about Dolly Madison over and over.

Finally, I just listened to the radio. And therein does the memory lie. I had forgotten that for some reason April, 2008 was a particularly violent period on the BBC. It seemed like every time I turned on the radio, I'd be sitting there with Iain in the middle of the night, rocking and listening to stories about the most heinous murders, atrocities, and deprivations you can imagine. And it was just surreal.

Ok, good to get that off my chest. (Ha! Nursing joke! Sooooo funny.)

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