Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Conversation Chez Iain

Ch: So, son, what d'you want to do when your mother leaves tomorrow?
I: French fries!

Ch: Are you sure? What about Krispy Kreme?
I: Oh, yeah. Ok, how about this: we get MacDonald's on the way home (it's on the left), then turn around (which we have to do anyway to get home) and pop in at Krispy Kreme. By the time we get there, we'll be done with the fries and can eat our donuts.

Ch: That's a good plan, son. Allow me to suggest an alternative plan: Sonic. We could get tater tots!
I: Dad, it says right here in my contract rider that I only eat tater tots with a milkshake. So if you're springing for a large milkshake and fries, then that's a good plan.

Ch: One last option: we could get the donuts, then go home and make burgers using donuts as the bun. What do you think of that?
I: I'm on board with that, but only if we make them bacon-cheese burgers. Because you need the cheese to hold it together and you need the bacon's saltiness to balance the sweet donut. Don't you agree?

It's all fun and games while Mom's away...


Unknown said...

Go for jelly donuts with powdered sugar on top.

Fiona said...

Yeah - I like the idea of teaching Iain that sometimes food that's already really good has *even better* stuff inside.

Let's see: empanadas, pasties, pie, dumplings, dim sum...and jelly donuts.

Heather said...


Unknown said...

Just think of all the lovely delicious non-rice cereal food we will be eating in NY..... yummu in deed