Saturday, December 13, 2008

First Comes Love...

Check out Charles with 40lbs of baby. That's 13 months on the left, and 7.5 months on the right. No, seriously. We tried to explain to Iain that he does not have to compete with Callie on height and weight, but he's all "I'm catching up! Bring me more food!"

Meanwhile, the preliminary negotiations for their nuptials have begun. Here, Iain stares lovingly at Callie as she contemplates how much more mature girls are than boys. Of course, at 13/7 months, mature is a relative concept. Callie, for example, can shove a quarter of a banana in her mouth at once. Iain has to eat his banana mashed off a spoon held by his mommy. Maybe he's not ready to date yet.

Closeup! Could she be more beautiful?


Unknown said...

If I can remember far back to my art history study, minimal though it was, this photo of the two babies looks very much like part of the scene in one of those late middle ages, early renaissance paintings of The Adoration. Callie has the most remarkable quality of serenity. It will serve her well.

Heather said...

What a sweet photo.

When they announce their engagement, will you feign shock?

Fiona said...

Are you kidding? These two married would fulfill my fondest wish!!

Of course, I've already married Iain off to many a lovely and talented young lady in my mind. Moms get to choose their sons' wives, right? Right??