Saturday, December 06, 2008



I posted about the Dark Ages, and things have gone horribly, horribly awry.

First, there's the fact that it might not have been crystal clear that the thesis about lamps and eclipses was a joke. It illustrates a thesis statement but since it's silly to imagine that the weather would be partly cloudy all the time, students can relax and learn the concept without stressing about the content.

EXCEPT, that Rachel tracked down this fascinating article that suggests...

Wait for it...

It was partly cloudy (and cold and snowy and generally miserable) all the time during the Dark Ages!!

Holy Cannoli, Batman!

So we see from this two things:
1. I am an idiot.
2. Volcanos are scary.

If that last one doesn't make sense to you, it's because you haven't clicked the link yet.


Heather said...

It is clear to me that my many hours of TLC, Bravo, Roseanne reruns, Jennifer Weiner, ect are getting me nowhere. I must study more.

(blogging is ok, right?)

SarahHub said...

My sister has far too much time on her hands at work. But, isn't she smart?

Rae said...

I guess I'm not that smart because I totally took you seriously. At first I thought, "Seriously? She's got to be joking." Then I found the article.

It was pretty interesting!

FYI: Volcanos and black holes are my number 1 and 2 nearly impossible fears.

Fiona said...

Rachel: ok, for me those would be asteroid and severe climate freakout (a la The Day After Tomorrow).

You're definitely smart - and a great writer. I'm jealous of that.