Sunday, December 14, 2008

I Has a New Toy

It's a globe. Made of fabric.

Here's my part of the globe.

I also looked at the African parts (Mommy went to grad school with a woman from Mauritius and a man from Egypt and a man from Eritrea, high school with a woman from Nigeria and mommy works with a man from Nigeria, and mommy went to college with a woman from Zimbabwe and had lunch once with a guy from South Africa, and was recently reading a book part of which was about Morocco and Algeria, and works with a woman who is a sponsor for a lovely young lady from the Congo)

and the Russian parts (where Iain's great-grandfather and his (many) siblings came from)

and some of the European parts (Bart! Tony! Kjerulfs! Those Parisian stairs mommy fell down while one week pregnant, all unknowing!)

and it tasted good, too.


Unknown said...

Auntie's new fiance is from England! and she lived in Germany, and knows loads of Germans! Plus one or two Portuguese and a crazy Frenchie with connections to Algeria and a boss who knows every African archives!

Fiona said...

OK, lady. Step back from the engagement ring for a minute.

Auntie's "new" fiance is Auntie's old, much-beloved boyfriend/lovah/pookie, with whom Iain is, indeed, already quite familiar.

So we can add him, and his parents in Edinburgh, and Dan and Jason and French Miriam and Vanessa/Rebecca/Rachel to the list if you like. It takes a village, right?

Don't we know anyone in Asia? We're *so* western hemisphere.

Megan said...

Ummmm, we do in fact know people in Asia...Uncle Ricky hails originally from India, and has many family members still there. Though unfortunately, Auntie Meg and Uncle Ricky's holiday trip to India has been postponed until summer...but we ARE going eventually! And we will bring Iain back a small pagri (turban) and cricket bat when we go... :)

Fiona said...

Outstanding! I totally forgot about all the lovely folks from our sojourn to Redding.

Ok, got to go get the globe and point all that out. Where in India do the Sethis orginate? (we've been wondering this, anyway).

Sorry to hear about the trip. I called you the other day and when it went to voice mail I hung up because I was all, "Oh, she's in India!"

Bart said...

This has got to be the strangest variety of name-dropping ever. :¬)

I just this weekend ordered my nephew a globe for Christmas, but he's a bit older and will be getting the non-fabric variety. I picked it out because it plugs in and when you switch it on, all of the countries and oceans vanish and it glows blue and shows the nighttime constellations instead. Actually, I want one.

Unknown said...

Don't forget Uncle Hank's sojourn in Haiti, or his upcoming work in Uganda and South Africa. And our computer science teacher from Nigeria (he speaks the Igbo language) or the physics teacher from Tunisia. Or our other Anthropologist friends who have worked in India, Pakistan, and Morocco!

Fiona said...

Well, if we're going that route, there's my Bates student who studied in Chile, Grandmother's friend MaryEllen who visits the islands every year (St. John? can't remember), New Zealand, where Mom and Dad did all kinds of stuff, and Australia where Dad's friend David Bailey comes from...

Heather said...

Make sure he studies South America.


Alexandra said...

what fun!! We need one!

SarahHub said...

I love this! We should get one for our little future-world-traveler. We have the bug, so I know she'll have it, too!