Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Maddie Makes My Teeth Hurt

Here she explores the wonders of the concave mirror. In multiples.

I'm starting to see a pattern here, with the facial expression. This is the face her father makes when he's about to say, "No! Don't you see that this PROVES that state power was highly contingent and based in the unofficial exercise of military authority by local power structures?? Don't you SEE that??"

Dad's caption for this photo is: "Actually, Jim, string theory is quite simple."


Chris Bray said...

That facial expression, dude? It's my tiny rabbit reacting to a a puppet show by charging the stage and leaping at the puppet. Note that the other children are just, like, sitting there.

The teenage years are gonna be interesting, dude.

Fiona said...

Ummm...yeah. I think so.

She is, after all, the daughter of a man who fought parking tickets with letters referencing the required paperwork as outlined in the municipal code. Did you think she'd be a pushover?

And that's putting aside the question of her mother, who is No Slouch.