Wednesday, October 07, 2009

New Tricks

Holy Mother of Pancakes I am communicating with my son.

Here's how it went down:

10:19pm, Iain cries. I go in, relishing the opportunity to get a late-night kiss.

Me: "What's wrong, darling?"
Iain: "Mama?"
Me: "Yes, honey. It's all right."
Iain: "Up!"
Me: "Ok," [pick him up] "You're all right. Did you have a bad dream?"
Iain: hiccups a little, stops crying, permits two kisses on his cheeks.
Me: "You're ok."
Iain: "Nie-Nie"
Me: "You want to go back to bed?"
Iain: "Bah Nie-Nie"
Me: "Ok," [lay him down, watch him settle, walk out]

The end.


bugboys69 said...


SarahHub said...

Isn't it great! And it only gets better from here...

And why, oh why, does your son just tell you he's tired and go back to sleep? I have really broken Evie.

Fiona said...

ZOMG! You have *not* "broken" Evie. Not even funny, Hub.

We're lucky, that's all. Iain's a sleeper (and an eater). In other areas, he doesn't do so well (like this morning, when he threw a tantrum for an hour because I wouldn't let him drink my caffeinated chai).

Evie's awesome - just not so much of an easy sleeper. And you're a great mom.

Alexandra said...

isn't it fun?! they just get better as they get older!